The Complete Coding Practitioners Handbook

The Complete Coding Practitioners Handbook


10 min read

Git, debugging, testing, the terminal, Linux, the cloud, networking, patterns/antipatterns - what even is this mess? Don't worry we'll go through from beginning to end (all the way, I promise) everything you need to know to collaborate proficiency with others.

Why so many tools?

We're flooded with tools which are all titled essential to boost productivity, but... why so many of them? To answer this let's start at the very beginning and slowly work our way through our coding journey! We all started on a small solo project working to build an app, create a simple model, or just to finish an assignment. As we begin to code we notice that it just... doesn't run ๐Ÿ˜ข and so we sigh, take a deep breath in and begin to look for what went wrong. The first bug is just a small innocent typo, but with time we start running into more and more silly pesky bugs ๐Ÿž, each one a slight bit harder to deal with than the last! Once we read our code, find the typo and fix it (a little golden debugging) our coding journey continues, and we work on creating something slightly more impressive.

We soon get to a crossroad, we finish working on our small little program and want to work on something slightly more ambitious (yay)! Although we're ambitious, we notice one small thing - we make a good few mistakes. Like any good student, we get a few books, read a few articles, watch a few videos, and before long we've learned several design patterns which make for a nice, smooth coding experience and antipatterns... to avoid like the plague.

Now with a few sophisticated patterns/antipatterns in mind, we feel like we're ready to show the world our coding prowess! We start nรฉvรฉ and nervous but with passion, and so through gathering a few friends together, we begin a new chapter of our lives ๐Ÿ˜…. The work is fun and everyone wants to play their part, but soon one question arises - how can we work together? At first, emailing/messaging code from one person to another works fine... but then a few more people pitch in, and combining every line of code becomes - unmanageable! In a moment of chaos, one man did the impossible though, Linus Torvalds extended his olive branch and gave us Git - the perfect system to collaborate with others.

Eventually, we approach another challenge, although we're writing the code just fine... we feel bogged down by our workflow. To our surprise, there's an easy and elegant solution - Linux and the terminal. Linus Torvald proposes Linux as an alternative to Windows (the ugly behemoth) and with it a terminal to write code in a fashion which completely bash's Windows.


Now with our workflow smoothened out, there are just a few questions left - how can we run this code anywhere and what if we need... more? Luckily for us, the dot com boom unfolds and the internet is ablaze! What we once had to run on our machines, can now be run on the cloud (other people/companies servers). Now we can run and distribute progressively larger (and more heavyweight) code right from the comfort of our houses!

The epochs

Chapter 1 - Debugging

Our code is bound to have problems... even if we're genius', they'll still crop up! We can't *completely avoid them, but we can approach each problem in just the right way, so we're able to smoothly eliminate it. There's a simple technique to help with this:

  1. SIMPLIFY - Keep it simple stupid, the simpler it is the easier it is to find the problem!
  2. EXPLORE - It's fine when we don't know what's wrong, relax and start exploring, use a few print statements, read a few errors and try to figure things out ๐Ÿ˜Œ
  3. ISOLATE - Try to find where your code goes south (focused effort reveals bugs quickest)

Now I know it's easier said than done, but just try this out... it makes a big difference! Just remember to keep calm, take a deep breath ๐Ÿซ and continue, if it's a bug you'll find and destroy it with time and effort ๐Ÿ˜Œ!

Chapter 2 - Testing

Our code works... or does it? Testing is all about finding whether something which seems to work fine actually works fine. It's about finding whether your changes break how things work (likely in a subtle way).

Testing can be simple, or complex. At its simplest, it's about looking at what we think our code does and double-checking just that, in a more complex light it's about writing small pieces of code (unit or integration tests) to test the code (yes, code to test the code). Unit tests are for small isolated tests/scenarios and integration tests for larger/more realistic ones. Although this sounds simple (so far), testing is extremely nuanced as the way we write code has an extremely large impact on our ability to test it (hence knowledge of patterns/antipatterns may be useful)!

There's a lot to testing and I'm not an expert, but I hope that this is enough to get you going/give you some sense of direction...

Chapter 3 - Design Patterns/Antipatterns

Patterns and antipatterns are just good and bad coding practices we should try and use more/less respectively. Although at their heart design patterns/antipatterns are simple, they tend to be sorely overcomplicated! In essence, we see good and bad code all the time, so learning these comes naturally, however lots of books/articles go into fine detail by naming and shaming.

All design patterns have three basic purposes, to help create, organise (structural) or communicate (behavioural) between classes and objects.

A few examples:

  • Singleton - creating classes which are only initialised (used) once
  • Strategy - when we abstract (group) multiple algorithms (or models) into one class so they can easily be swapped out
  • Observer - when multiple objects need to know about when an event is triggered we can distinguish between observers and callers

Since antipatterns are just mistakes they're a good few that exist:

  • Analysis paralysis - when we're stuck planning and never start coding
  • Cargo cult programming - when we use code without understanding it
  • Rule of credibility - the last 10% of our work takes 90% of our time
  • Big ball of mud - when all our code is in one large clump
  • Spaghetti code - where our code isn't cleanly separated
  • Poltergeist - creating excess classes/code for no reason
  • Repeated logic/redundant code - can just use classes/functions when code is used in multiple places
  • Ambiguous naming of variables and functions - names should be short but still express meaning
  • Magic strings - fixed values with an unknown purpose

Note it's more practical to pick these all up through carefully inspecting code (especially off Stack Overflow)!

Chapter 4 - Git

Git is the collaboration one-stop-shop! It is elegant and beautiful once we learn to use it... but seemingly not before that ๐Ÿ˜ง. Don't worry though, it's quite simple, Git works through tracking what changes we make (hence it's called version control), and it does this by breaking up our timeline into chunks that we've committed to using (commits).

We may now ask though - how does this help to combine our changes? Luckily for us, it's not too difficult to interpret, Git stores our work in repositories which can be shared and forked/cloned. Whenever we make changes we can commit these and then push them out to our online repositories (technically called remote repositories). Then once we're ready to share our brilliant code we can pull others over to see/confirm what we've done (with a pull request)! Although this all just sounds weirdly social right now, it gets useful when Git provides us with overviews of our changes, so we're certain that our team's outstanding work won't collide/conflict with our work.


Now there are a few more technical ways we can to use Git, primarily through segmenting work/progress into branches and providing special ways to combine our changes. Branches allow us to highlight particular parts of our codebase which we'd like to share, whilst also allowing us to isolate certain features which may be unstable/not quite ready yet! The first way to combine branches is to merge changes by adding the changes made into a new commit. The second is to replay one branch's changes on another (which we call a rebase). Which one we use depends on our situation:

  • When we try to make our commit history as simple as possible, a rebase is an amazing and flexible option
  • If we need to remove, modify, combine or change the order of commits, to keep a simple and clean history, only a rebase will suffice
  • However, just like time travel, a rebase is dangerous whenever we do it on anything others are using
    • In practice only rebase non-publish/non-used code (this is often referred to as the golden rule)

Now that we've discussed the difficult concepts, let us take a look at the terminal (explained further below) commands we can use:

To clone a repository

git clone git_website_url

To add a file/folder to be tracked in the next commit (stores changes at the time the commend's run)

git add new_file_or_folder_location

To commit

git commit -m "added amazing new features"

To change branches

git checkout my_branch

To create and switch to a new branch

git checkout -b my_new_branch

To push

git push

To merge branches

git merge my_feature_branch

To rebase a branch (n is the number of commits to consider)

git rebase -i HEAD~n

To add an upstream branch

git remote add upstream original_repo_url

To sync a local repository (to its remote)

git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master

A few mistakes to avoid:

  • The URL to a Git repository doesn't include any specific file/folder
  • We fork repositories to keep an isolated version to work with ourselves before we're ready to pull together our work (so our changes don't affect each other in the middle of things)
    • So the URL to enter when cloning a repo to work with is your forked version and then the original repositories main branch becomes the forked repositories upstream branch (as it's likely newer)
    • Be careful when copy-pasting their URLs as they're quite easy to mix the wrong way round
    • Note the upstream branch only has to be set once
  • Pull requests happen through an online UI (i.e. the GitHub website) not the terminal (normally)
  • Once we start an interactive rebase, carefully read the provided options

Atlassian documentation provides further details and examples of how to use Git.

Chapter 5 - Linux and the Terminal

mobo.jpg As explained above, Linux is an amazing replacement for Windows (it's free by the way) which is far more flexible and lightweight! One distinct feature is the inbuilt powerful terminal (called bash) which allows us to perform complex tasks easily.

Here are the essential commands:

List files

ls my_folder

Check current location (i.e. current folder/directory)


Change directory (into another folder)

cd folder_path

Move a file/folder

mv old_location new_location

Copy a file

cp file_location copy_location

Copy a folder

cp -r folder_location copy_location

Run another program (like a text editor, normally vi, vim or nano)


Although they don't seem anything out of the ordinary, the terminal provides a solid way to do a variety of tasks!

Note if you ever enter a text editor you can't seem to close (likely vi/a variant of vi) hit escape and then :q!

Going further

For more information, The Missing Semester of Your CS Education is a useful guide. Thanks for reading and I really hope that this has helped you out!

Photo by Kevin Ku on Unsplash